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Drain cleaning: What is it and how is it done?

Clogged drains are among the most frequent problems that every home or building owner encounters. Sometimes, you can fix the problem on your own using handy DIY tools and tricks. If your drain is clogged up, though, getting a professional plumber could be the way to go. Here’s the lowdown on keeping your drains clean, including what works and when it’s time to give them a good clean-up.

Clogged drain

What is drain cleaning?

Drain cleaning is the process of clearing clogged or blocked drainage pipes to ensure water can flow smoothly through them. Over time, drains in kitchens, bathrooms, and sewer lines can accumulate debris such as hair, soap scum, food particles, grease, and other foreign objects, leading to blockages. These blockages can cause water to drain slowly, back up, or even emit unpleasant odors.

Recommended reading: What’s the Difference Between Drain Cleaning and Drain maintenance?


What you need to know about clogged drains

Clogged drains can occur in various parts of your plumbing system, including sinks, toilets, showers, and sewer lines. Common causes include:


  • Hair and Soap Scum: In your shower, hair falls out and soap washes off your body, sticking together in the pipes.


  • Food Waste: When you wash dishes, small food particles can escape down the sink, especially if you don’t have a device installed to grind up this waste (a garbage disposal).


  • Grease and Oil: Cooking fats might be liquid when you pour them down, but they cool and solidify inside your pipes, acting like glue for other debris.


  • Foreign Objects: Things that accidentally (or intentionally) get flushed or washed down that simply don’t belong, like children’s toys, wipes (even if they say ‘flushable’), and sanitary products.
Recommended reading: 5 common signs of plumbing problems in Houston


Signs that you have a clogged drain

It’s like your drain is trying to “talk” to you, showing signs it needs help:


  • Slow Draining: Water pools and drains at a snail’s pace because something is blocking its path.


  • Bad Odors: Just like garbage starts to smell, so does trapped debris in your pipes.


  • Gurgling Sounds: Bubbles form and burst as water navigates through the clog, creating a noise.


  • Water Backup: Water can’t go down, so it comes back up, often bringing with it what you thought was gone.
Clogged drain

How is Drain Cleaning Done?

The goal of drain cleaning is to remove these obstructions and maintain the plumbing system’s optimal operation. This can be achieved through various methods, including:


  • Mechanical Methods: Using tools like plungers, plumber’s snakes (also known as drain augers), and hydro-jetting equipment. A plumber’s snake is a flexible cable that can be inserted into the drain to physically break up and remove blockages, while hydro-jetting uses high-pressure water to clear away grease, debris, and buildup inside pipes.


  • Chemical Cleaners: Commercial chemical cleaners can dissolve blockages caused by grease, hair, and other common materials. However, these chemicals can be harsh on the pipes and the environment, so they should be used cautiously and according to manufacturer instructions.


  • Natural Solutions: A mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water, can be a less harsh method for clearing minor clogs. This method is more environmentally friendly and gentle on plumbing.

  • Probiotic Drain Cleaning: This is probably the best method for drain cleaning. Probiotic drain cleaning introduces a more eco-friendly and innovative approach to maintaining clean and clear drains. Unlike traditional methods that rely on mechanical tools, harsh chemicals, or natural DIY solutions, probiotic drain cleaning uses beneficial bacteria and enzymes to naturally break down organic matter in pipes without damaging the plumbing or the environment.


  • Professional Cleaning Services: For severe blockages or when DIY methods are ineffective, professional plumbers have specialized tools and techniques, such as motorized drain snakes and hydro-jetting machines, to thoroughly clean and clear drains. They can also perform camera inspections to accurately identify the location and nature of the blockage.
Recommended reading: Probiotic Drain Cleaners: The Eco-Friendly Solution to Clogged Drains


Call Vossler Plumbing Co. for your drain cleaning and maintenance

For all your plumbing needs, consider reaching out to Vossler Plumbing Co., a trusted name in the industry. Whether you’re facing urgent issues like clogged drains or you’re looking to proactively maintain your plumbing system to prevent future problems, Vossler Plumbing Co. has the expertise and equipment to ensure your drains are clean and well-maintained. 


To get in touch, contact us at 346-712-0050 for a consultation, or you can request your estimate right here.

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